Lambay Transit Route Withdrawn from Use

In a NOTAM published last week, the popular VFR Lambay Transit Route has been withdrawn from use. The route permits VFR traffic, in receipt of an ATC clearance, to route through the Dublin control zone from Skerries out to Lambay Island, then to a point east of the Baily Lighthouse and then to Killiney Hill (or the reverse routing). Traffic needs to remain at 500ft to comply with SERA rules and to permit sufficient separation when flying under the approach to runway 28L at Dublin.

It’s understood that the route has been withdrawn based on a technicality. The routing requires pilots to fly over Lambay Island at 500ft, but the highest point on the island is 411ft meaning that pilots cannot comply with the SERA minimum height rules. In reality, most pilots route just to the east of Lambay ensuring compliance with the rules.